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Year: 2021

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December 17th , 2021 by

Can mushroom-based products cause food poisoning?

There’s no doubt that the increased consumption of mushrooms and mushroom based products is a great thing for our health and our planet. But with DIY mushroom kits and growing boxes sprouting up across the globe as more people seek to grow their food, and fungi-focused food startups jumping on board the plant-based trend, it’s more important than ever that we research, report on, and educate people about the food risks.

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November 15th , 2021 by

5 ways food safety standards may be compromised

The theme for Australian Food Safety Week 2021 is "Be Prepared". Drastic climate change and pandemic has put a lot of strain on our food supply & logistics. Hence, we need to take efforts in ensuring food safety during extreme weather conditions, power outages and move towards a sustainable future. Learn how five ways you could be compromising your current food safety standards and ways to overcome them by implementing a digital food safety system.

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October 24th , 2021 by

Case study: Eastern Metropolitan Health Service

By eliminating cumbersome paper forms and manual filing, Maria can focus her time on supporting the 170+ food service staff at EMHS who use the Monika system. “It cuts your time by at least half,” Maria says.  And instead of recording temperatures by hand multiple times a day, staff only need take action when something’s out of range. “Plus I don’t have to drive 45 minutes to Armadale to access temperature records, or ring someone and ask them to scan one for me – I just go straight into the system to access it. As a Quality Officer, that’s instrumental for me.”

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